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Perhaps you are too afraid to contact us, but you have some questions. We hope that the answers to general questions listed below will help you.



What are the symptoms of pregnancy?
Many women don't experience any symptoms until after they have missed their period at least a week or two. Nausea, swollen breasts, being tired or dizzy, as well as frequent urination are common symptoms a pregnant woman experiences. Every woman's body is different and you may have different symptoms. It is possible that any combination of these symptoms could mean you are premenstrual or that you have some illness. The only way to be sure is to have a pregnancy test. For many women, especially young women, irregular periods are fairly common. This means that the period can be delayed. These irregularities can happen from month to month. Although pregnancy could be a reason for missing a period, it could also be caused by illness, travel, worry or stress.


How accurate is a pregnancy test?

Our urine based test is about 99% accurate. 


How does a pregnancy test work?
Ten days after conception, urine based pregnancy tests work by picking up a hormone that your body produces when you are pregnant. If the test is done too early in the pregnancy, it may not be able find the hormone yet and result in a "false negative" test.



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